Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Here Comes The Sun

Crack out your sun-dresses and don your sandals, it's officially summertime, and as a girl who can't deal with the cold, this is great news for me. OK, so it's only marginally warmer, but ladies and gents I'll take it. I've also noticed everyone around me seems a lot happier too, which is all jolly lovely, and it's got me in the mood to celebrate all the other things I'm enjoying right now/give you a general summary of what I've been up to lately (you may have noticed a lack of blogs, I've been a very busy girl). 

Firstly, I've got a new internship! It's at a full service eCommerce agency, and I spend my days blogging, tweeting, and learning about how to stay friends with Google. Oh, and occasionally I get to spend the afternoon browsing pictures for the perfect image of Kit Harington for a certain brand... 

Ok, so he had to be wearing clothes for what I was looking for, but you can see how a girl could get distracted  (I mean a girl less dedicated and professional than me of course...). I am, however, really enjoying myself - even on days when I'm not browsing GoT hunks (yes, I said hunks - also GoT is back soon! I literally cannot wait...). I'm learning lots, which is a nice change from some of my other internships, and I was thrown right into it from my first day, writing articles that are up on REAL COMPANY WEBSITES!!! Not to mention the people are lovely. I am still at the pub too, which despite me having no free time now, I still love. It has become my home away from home (I'm probably there more than my real home...). I also do their social media, so check them/me out on twitter and on facebook, or come see me at The Hope and Anchor Wokingham, the best pub in the world (in my completely impartial opinion). Also, my Anglesey pictures got featured on a blog

Secondly, I'm still living with my sister and her wonderful boyfriend, which I thought would be weird, but it's absolutely not. As I type they're wailing away to Tina Turner in the kitchen, in that happy way couples that have been together forever do, my sister in Sri Lanka pants and a baggy jumper (still looking ridiculously gorgeous of course), and I don't mind at all.

I also got to see my uni friend on Sunday, and I'm seeing the wonderful Eleanor, superbabe and uni housemate extraordinaire soon. I don't like to jinx things, but you could say life's pretty good. On that note, I leave you with this... 

Happy Wednesday everyone.