Wednesday 5 June 2013


Last weekend I went to Paris, unbelievably for the first time, and I loved it. I kind of get what all the fuss is about. It rained most of the first day (as a massive Audrey Hepburn fan I was secretly quite pleased about this), but we weren't going to be put off getting our (slightly frizzy) tourist shots!

The Standard Eiffel |Tower Shot!

I thought there was a specific bridge that people did this on, but it turns out they're everywhere. It's still really sweet though. Some people had put so much effort into theirs!

I think Paris may be one of my new favourite places. Most of the cities I've been to feel like the same place over and over again in different languages, but the architecture really set it apart. All except the Eiffel Tower, which I was honestly a bit let down by, so I consoled myself with cocktails and macaroons...I would put a hipster food photo in here but they didn't last long enough to take one.

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